A failed Blitzkrieg and the worst outcome for the world

At this point it is probably safe to say that Russia’s intent to end the Ukraine fracas in a swift and quick manner has failed. Zelinsky has taken his forces to the streets and forced the Russians into brutal drawnout urban warfare.

Also, the Russians have begun attacking Urkaine energy installations.

This is probably the worst outcome for the entire world. Energy prices are expected to soar, inflation is going to be high, the Fed is forced to act.

Next week, all eyes on Jerome Powell as he testifies before congress. Will high energy prices caused by the war lead the Fed to raise 50bps in march? Will the Fed be forced to hike the global economy into a recession in 2H 2022? All I can say is that buckle up your seatbelts and be prepared.


I’m not gonna elaborate more on the sanctions right now because it is pretty obvious what they are: Cut off Russian access to financial markets. But, the elephant in the room: Russian energy commodity exports, what’s going to happen to them?

Moving forward: Until Ukraine explicitly agrees not to join NATO, this fracas is set to continue.

What should we do? It is extremely difficult to trade political risk unless you have insider information, so just sit back and enjoy the show! At the end of the day, the bigger picture is hawkish fed and when inflation will begin to recede in the US. Also, when the US and EU begin to pay more attention to energy safety and securing adequate fossil fuel supply during the transition to renewables.

Why is Ukraine so important?

The headlines of the past few weeks have been reporting on the Ukraine situation day after day, and markets seem to be fixated on the events unfolding in Crimea. So why exactly is Ukraine important? And how does it affect the world economy, and normal people like us? In this post I try to give a quick breakdown on the events unfolding in Ukraine, and how it affects you and me.

There are essentially 4 important points to understand: America, Russia, Oil, and Inflation. We will go through them one by one, and then link them all up.

  1. Amercia:

In foreign affairs there is a saying ‘internal affairs determine external policies’. Of course sometimes it could be the other way around, like what is happening right now in Ukraine with a foreign power putting pressure on you, but for big countries like US and Russia, their domestic issues are largely self-determined, and not under the influence of any foreign power. The US right now is polarised between the republicans and democrats, and both parties want to win the mid term elections very badly. Therefore, as much as Biden wants to remove trade tariffs on China, he can’t because it would reflect badly on the voters and it will be bad for the democrats in mid terms. At the same time, Biden cannot be seen as being soft on Russia. In the US, politically, there are a couple of “big enemies” that any president cannot be seen as being soft against: Russia, North Korea, Iran, and recently China. As such, Biden cannot go soft on these guys. He has to adopt an aggressive foreign policy against them because that is the way to go to win voters.

2. Russia

Ever since the Crimean crisis of 2014, Russia has been under many sanctions, which has been very deterimental to their economy. This is why Russia has built very close ties to China, so that they can have a strong domestic economy by accessing the Chinese market. The russian economy, in large part relies on exports of oil and natural gas. Both are exported to China and the EU, and also the international market. Currently, Russia accounts for 17% of global natural gas output, and 12% of global oil output, a very significant amount (see BP report). So imagine if the US sanctions Russian exports of Oil and Natural Gas over what is happening now in Crimea, the oil and gas prices of 2022 are going to rise alot in the short term due to a supply shock. It will probably take some time for the price to come down as US shale oil and OPEC increase their output. What this means is that, with energy prices sky high, nobody wants to actually sanction Russia, because it will lead to high energy prices. And energy is leading the CPI component for the US right now. The same goes for natural gas in the EU. Russia knows this, that the EU and US need Russian oil and gas to be exported for energy prices to be stable. As such, it is taking this opporunity to put pressure on Ukraine in an attempt to make the US and EU compromise. But, as mentioned in part 1, the US cannot compromise due to the internal political situation. So, there is a very difficult decision here which will impact energy prices and inflation. If the US and EU let Russia get what it wants, energy prices come down, inflation comes down, but they might lose voter base. If the US and EU do not let Russia get what it wants, and impose sanctions, energy prices come up, inflation stays high, and they still might lose their voter base. It really is a game of poker. And at the end of the day, because Russia knows that the US and EU need it’s gas and oil exports to stabilise the international energy price, Russia is not afraid of being sanctioned. Either way, the US and EU are in a tough spot. And what does Russia want? Russia wants NATO to exclusively say that Ukraine will never be a part of NATO. Because if Ukraine joins NATO, then there will no longer be a buffer between NATO and Russian soil, and it will be very dire for Russian national security.

3. Oil:

High oil prices right now are due to two things: The pandemic, and the green energy movement. The pandemic is pretty much self explanatory, sudden stop in economic activity and investment, then sudden sharp rise due to huge fiscal stimulus, and energy supply unable to keep pace. The green energy movment is also causing energy companies to pause and think twice about expanding demand. Because energy projects typically span more than 10 years, building a new oil project right now might result in large carbon taxes 5 years later. And why should the energy companies be penalised 5 years later for providing the oil the world needs right now? The world wants low energy prices to keep inflation low, but at the same time wants to lower fossil fuel reliance and transition to renewables. The problem is the imbalances that this creates, resulting in the high energy prices we see today. Transition to renewables means less fossil fuels supply, but coupled with a lagging energy supply by renewables, fossil fuels prices go up. Eventually, something has to give, somebody has to compromise. Either energy companies get a carbon tax break/cut or some temporary form of immunity, OR ukraine situation has to be settled. Otherwise, high energy prices from here onwards.

4. Inflation

Energy prices have always been the big reason behind inflation in general. Expensive energy prices cause food prices to increase, cause manufacturing costs to increase, cause economic costs to increase. And if demand cannot keep up with costs, there is always the potential for an economic slowdown. In addition to this, normal folks on the ground feel the pain of inflation and tend to vote out the people in power in the hopes that a new government would be able to solve the inflation issue.

5. Short summary:

Ukraine is important because it affects so many different things at the same time: US mid term elections, Russian national security, energy prices, renewable energy transition, and inflation.

6: Market Impact:

If Russia is sanctioned: Oil prices sky rocket, inflation remains high, Fed is forced to raise rates much more aggressively. This will negatively impact equity prices in general, bearish market scenario.

If Ukraine gets resolved somewhat: Oil prices will decrease slightly, inflation will most likely drop, Fed does not have to change course, markets return back to ‘normal’, and we start to see a drop in the price of Gold.

国常会解读: Analysis of 19 Jan 22 Central Government Meeting

Link https://wallstreetcn.com/articles/3650364

As usual, the main direction of the government has not changed since 2021, stabilising employment, stabilising the economy. The word of the year for 2022 is Stability 稳。

Interesting highlights from the meeting:

  1. BOSS 直聘在场

For those who don’t know, BOSS recruitment has become one of the leading platforms for recruitment in China, so it was interesting to see PM Li KeQiang invite the CEO to speak at the meeting. This also shows how concerned the government is with employment, and with understanding the employment situation from a bottom up level.

2. 更好发挥内需对经济增长的拉动作用,以政府投资撬动社会投资,推动重点建设

The government acknowledges that investment, particularly in infrastructure and property is an important part of the chinese economy. As such, 2022 will probably see more infrastructure projects. The question on my mind is, how much leverage is the central government willing to take on? In China, government debt is split into local government debt, and central governmetn debt.

3. 多措并举提升居民收入和消费能力,释放消费潜力。

I think we are going to see some pretty interesting policies to encourage consumer spending in 2022.








在金融层面上,1980-2008年美联储施行的是Paul Volcker 定下的抗通胀目标。一旦经济过热,通胀过高,美联储会通过提高利率来降低经济的进展速度,世界就进入经济衰退。一旦经济增速过低,美联储就会降息来刺激市场,世界就再一次的进入经济繁荣期。可是08年金融危机后,全球进入零利率负利率时代了,实际上就是MMT现代货币理论。1980-2008,美国能够不断的扩大财政赤字和举债是因为有人愿意买美国的国债。美联储需要不断的量化宽松是因为如果不这么做的话,实际的美国国债需求比当下美国国债的供应要少很多。不QE,美国的实际利率会上升,导致经济的减速,股市的崩盘。Ray Dalio 称这个是典型的 long term debt cycle dynamics, 和一个帝国衰退的开始。那么美国的衰退过程会是多长的时间呢?回顾历史来看,清朝的灭亡是从1840-1911,花了71年的时间。这段时期,清朝打过了鸦片战争,太平天国内战,甲午战争,义和团和八国联军的对抗,最终以辛亥革命为终结。大英帝国呢?打过了两次世界大战才让位给了美国。可见,我们不能够低估一个帝国的生命力和生存能力。百年建立起来的优势不会在短时间内被消耗殆尽。美国会不会因为战争而结束其霸权时代?我认为不会像英国那样的,被战争消耗。因为核武器问世以后,大规模的军事冲突已经让位给局部的军事冲突。所以,美国的衰退周期会非常的长。
















这个直接点到了美国的痛处,“关税”。美国不可能近期内解除对中国的一些科技公司的制裁,可是美国是希望通过解除关税来解决美国国内的通膨问题(可以阅读我之前的文章)。在年初的文章,我判断中国有需要跟美国重新谈出新的贸易协议,可是王毅说了 “中国的发展振兴有着巨大内生动力,是历史演变的必然趋势。” 什么意思?意思就是中国没有需要降低对美国关税,经济还是同样可以过的很好。所以,美方认为的关税筹码其实已经落空了。中国不认为关税是一个筹码,也不会让美国利用这个筹码对中国施压。中国的立场非常的清楚:美国要降低关税,因为这个是美方单边的行为,不是中国该承受的对待。当美国先降低关税,中国也会跟着降低相对的关税,因为中国提高关税的对美单边行为的反应。可是,要中国先降税是不可能的事情。所以,美国现在面对的问题是如何让国内群体接受降低关税。因为一旦降低关税,民主党会受到各种批评,说他们是亲中派,对中国不够强硬,会影响到期中选举的一些摇摆地区。








  1. 什么是碳交易市场

简单的来说,碳交易就是排放权的交易。目前全球发展最完善的碳交易市场是欧盟的排放交易体系 (EU ETS)。欧盟委员会制定年度的总碳排放上限,相关的企业会收到一定的碳排放额度。如果企业的排放量比额度低,可以保留多余的额度,或者通过公开市场把排放额度卖出去。如果企业排放量超过了,可以从公开市场购买额度,或被欧盟罚款。罚款金额通常都比较高。为了实现碳中和2060目标,中国也即将开展全国性的碳排放交易市场。值得一提的是目前的ETS并没有覆盖每个行业和企业,而只是针对能源、化工、钢铁等重工业。


2. 为什么没有一个国际碳交易市场?


3. 碳交易市场真的有效吗?



4. 未来国际上的气候变化政策


